6.W J MCKELL CUP 2400m
Royal Randwick 24/05/2014 3:15PM
View FormOf $100,000.
1st $60,000, 2nd $20,000, 3rd $10,000, 4th $5,000, 5th $2,000, 6th $1,000, 7th $1,000, 8th $1,000 Listed.
| Horse | Jockey | Trainer | Wgt. | Margin | Price |
01 | La Amistad | James McDonald | Michael, John & Wayne Hawkes | 54.0kg
| | $2.80F
02 | Destiny's Kiss | Joshua Parr | Joseph Pride | 57.0kg
| 4 | $3.80
03 | Secessio | Christian Reith | Chris Waller | 54.5kg
| 5.3 | $10
04 | Wazn | Jay Ford | Chris Waller | 54.5kg
| 7.9 | $31
05 | Zabeelionaire | Tim Clark | Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin | 55.0kg
| 12.3 | $17
06 | Permit | Blake Shinn | Chris Waller | 59.0kg
| 14.5 | $12
07 | Kobi Sun | Jeff Lloyd | Guy Walter | 54.0kg
| 14.7 | $20
08 | Alzora | Sam Clipperton | Anthony Cummings | 54.0kg
| 15.9 | $19
09 | Sommernachtstraum | Brenton Avdulla | Kris Lees | 54.0kg
| 22.4 | $51
10 | Order of the Sun | Jim Cassidy | Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott | 54.0kg
| 23.8 | $7
11 | Astro Avalanche | Katelyn Mallyon | Sam Kavanagh | 54.0kg
| 28.9 | $151
12 | Madam Nash | Adam Hyeronimus | Chris Waller | 54.0kg
| 38.4 | $41
| Zephyron | Taylor Marshall | Michael, John & Wayne Hawkes | 55.0kg
| Sacred Flyer | Jason Collett | Chris Waller | 54.0kg